Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cock Teas

You're a Pal and a Confidant.

George Bush is a Preppy Bastard

Check out the dork on the left, carrying all their stuff for them. Check out the wino-style, brown bagged liquor bottle in Shrub's hand.

Baby Bud

Racist Desk

You have Angered the Beatles

Boys will be Boys

Ghost Cat

Stephen Hawking Lego

I'm going to hell for posting this.


It must be hard to be Tori Spelling.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Andre the Cage

This is awesome.

25 Years of a Man's Life

Click to Enlarge!

#1 dad

Statler & Waldorf

Love me some Statler and Waldorf!


 I want Jesse to make his students call him Professor Giraffenstein!

Climate Change

Al Gore tears are also to blame.

True Life: I'm Snow White

They don't tell you this is how the story really ends.

Worst Slide Ever... or Best Slide Ever?

Grated children go great on a good taco.

Breakfast FAIL

Nice One

Way to go Mike...

Religious Logic

You can't argue with them.

Wii Drops to $199 on 9/27/09

Link to Wii story here-

Atlanta is Flooding!

Shit- this is crazy.

Your Daily Nom-Nom

Love it.

Charlie gets PWNED

I don't know his name from LOTR so I will call him Charlie Pace, his character from Lost.

2 Girls 1...

True Love


Happy Friday!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


A Piece of My Soul Just Died

Not Winnie the Pooh Dammit... He was real!!

Dumbledore gets played by Kanye

John Stand In

Tea Party Idiots

Sure, no taxes... these people are morons.


D.V. is a complete T00L!

Google Classic

Hand Solo

Spiritual Safety Tip; Atheists

No words...

Slide FAIL

Sex & The City 2043

Love that Samantha is toofless.

True Dat!

Damn I miss Texas.

Sexist Sandwich

7th Heaven Fail

Is it that hard to be a child star and grow up normal?!?

New Roswell Photos Leaked!

DVD Player Refuses to Play 'Passion of the Christ'

Indiana Jones Easter Egg



Click pic to enlarge.

Things Just Got Real

Gurls 4 Life

Killin U Hoes!
Oh my...

On the Set of Ghostbusters
