Monday, September 14, 2009


You don't want to drink Polar Bear tears do you??
No really, bottled water is horrible and Jesse and I no longer buy it- we haven't in some time. We have a Brita pitcher and use good 'ol tap water. Visit this Website if you want to learn the truth about Bottled water.
Americans buy over 30 billion single serve bottles of water a year yet we only recycle about 25% of them. Water Bottles not only pollute the earth but the leaching of chemicals like BPA (a hormone-mimicking chemical) from plastic might actually be poisoning our bodies! A full 40% of bottled water comes from municipal sources meaning it is bottled from ordinary tap water. The average price for a 12oz bottle of water is $1.25 which is more than the price of gas. The water industry effectively has us paying for what 90% of us get already, tap water!

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