Saturday, January 23, 2010

This is No Accident

The MellyButton was able to convince her father to turn from the dark side and buy a Mac. He LOVES it. He loves it so much so that he bought my mom a new Macbook this week because her shitty PC laptop was constantly freezing and doing the usual things that PCs do.
I strongly urge all readers to buy a Mac. I don't want to sound like sort some of elitist Apple freak- that's not what it is about at all. It's about buying a piece of technology that's just going to work and keep working for you. What any consumer should expect from their products- that you will buy something and it will do its job. If you have iPod or an iPhone and LOVE it- you will also love their computer products. OK, I will get off my soapbox... I just wanted to testify as to how much my life has changed in a great way now that I don't have to deal with the constant frustration of working with a PC.

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