Monday, February 28, 2011

Character Acting

There's no denying the fact that most of us have pretended to be actors. Photographer Howard Schatz took this idea one step further, place actors in a series of roles and dramatic situations to reveal the essence of their characters.

Left: You're the office toady, having a dutiful laugh over your boss's latest racist joke—and all too aware that everyone else at work hates you. Center: You're a Miss Universe finalist in the nanosecond between being named fifth runner-up and remembering to flash your best I'm-so-happy smile. Right: You're the school doofus, blissfully unaware that your having just been named prom king is a cruel, Carrie-style stunt by your classmates. 

Left: You're a child swallowing a spoonful of medicine that your mom promised would taste good, and now she's telling you that if it didn't taste awful it wouldn't work. Center: You're at a social dinner with your work colleagues and their spouses, desperately trying to signal your partner to stop talking so freely about your shared sex life. Right: You're a bunny-level skier who has decided to try a black-diamond slope, and now, with no idea how to stop, you're headed straight for a tree. 

Left: You are a dedicated father who, with your wife, has just sat down to dinner with your 15-year-old daughter, who is defiantly announcing that she's pregnant. Center: You are a fashion designer on the morning of your big runway show, realizing that nothing in the collection is ready or fabulous. Right: You are a blustering, pompous member of the British Parliament, giving a speech that is being broadcast on the BBC, and you're thrilled at the sound of your own voice.  


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