Monday, June 23, 2008

The Incredible Hulk, 3 Smashes out of 5

Don't make me Angry!!I saw this with Jesse on Sunday and it was pretty good. A lot better than I had anticipated. I love Edward Norton so I might be biased a bit though... He did a great job in the movie. He added depth and emotion to a character that I knew little about; so Norton's performance really sold me on Bruce Banner's character. For those 2 hours I was hooked right in to the story of Bruce Banner and his quest to find a Gamma radiation cure. Now, the parts I didn't like so much were the actual "Hulk" scenes. I thought the graphics were unrealistic . I am completely capable of suspending reality in order to enjoy a film, I do it all the time (ie, crying at cartoons) but when the CGI is so bad it is all I can focus on... well, I lose interest pretty quick. I thought Liv Tyler did a good job but Tim Roth looked more like a strung out junkie than an overly decorated soldier. Call me a girl, but my favorite parts of the movie were the drama and action scenes involving Norton and Tyler or an un-hulked Norton.

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