Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kung Fu Panda- Two Paws Up!

Kung Fu Panda was so rad! If you have not seen this then go see it now- right now, get in your car and drive to the movie theater and wait for the next show time. Jesse and I went to see this last night at the midnight showing. This was strategical on our part. 1. It's been out for a couple weeks so there are less people.
2. We went to the midnight show, so that means no crying, talking, or whining from those little people midgets aka children.
The movie gets you right from the beginning with the humor. It was consistently funny and at times sad; my perfect combo for an animated film- that way when I feel retarded for crying at a cartoon character something funny happens soon after and I can play off the tears for laughing tears instead of sad tears. (I've got to keep up this bad-girl image)
If you have rugrats then I recommend taking them to see Kung Fu Panda. If you don't have kids, then you get to watch Kung Fu Panda tonight at the late show.

By the way, Kudos to Ian McShane who voiced an awesome villain. Finally a real bad guy to be afraid of! Ian McShane played Al Swearengen on one of my favorite (and prematurely canceled) shows on HBO, Deadwood.


Erin said...

I have been waiting all year for this movie - I expected it to be SO funny with Jack Black as the main character. We saw it tonight at the drive in and I thought it would NEVER END. Ugh!! Only a handful of funny parts and it couldn't keep the interest of any of us - I say two thumbs down! However, my experience could be affected somewhat by the constant distractions that the drive-in has to offer... i.e. bugs, squirmy, tired kids, bugs, poor sound quality, bugs, sitting on the ground, bugs, and pretty much all people in general. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I saw it at midnight in a theater. :-)

MellyButton said...

Curse you for not liking KFP! Why would you ever opt for no air conditioning, theater seats, and surround sound?! Are you a glutton for punishment? Trust me when I say this, the bugs, the ground and the people fer sure detracted from the awesomeness of this movie!! I saw Spiderman 3 at the drive-in and it sucked! Oh wait... that movie just sucked anyways, not because of the drive-in... Look, my point is- give it another try in the comfort of the beautiful Savoy theater!

Mark said...

I loved KFP also...but then again, being with my niece and nephew, and having just had chinese food(at my nephew's suggestion!) before the movie may have influenced, it was just a cool movie! :-)