Friday, June 20, 2008


In case you missed this story, it is pretty scary to think that we still live in a society of people who can hate another person just based on their race, sexual orientation or religion. A vendor at the Republican National Convention in Texas sold a racist button that reads, "If Obama is President, will we still call it the White House?" Do the Republicans really feel like they need to remind voters that Obama is black? We get it. We see him too, although maybe they are scared that people will look past the color of his skin and see him for the person he is and the changes he wants to make.
The vendor has been fined $1,500 and banned from future GOP events. Sniffle, sniffle... guess this guy will have to go down the street to a Klan rally and sell his buttons there. Oh, but the best part of the story is this;

Jonathan Alcox, owner of, said he didn't intend to offend anyone. "We're into humor, not racism," said Alcox, who described himself as an independent who still may vote for Obama in November. "Why would I do that purposely? I thought it was funny."

Seriously?? Sure dude, you are an "independent" just like Bill O'Reilly is an "independent"... Sheesh.

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